Friday, March 8, 2013


Dear Mary and Martha,

I have insomnia and I don't wish to take medication and drugs... What do you suggest, other than praying to God?... because I've done that and it isn't working.

Susan from Webster's Corners

Dear Susan,

Go to bed early, that way your body has a chance to fall into a deep REM sleep.  Also, don't drink a lot of fluids before bed, so you won't wake up to go pee.  Also, sleep in a cool dark room and don't have a TV in the room the slight buzz of the TV (even off) can be enough to interrupt sleep patterns.  Also, have white noise like a fan or something similar in the back ground.  Try to sleep alone for a few nights, as another person movement can be disruptive. See if that helps. Make sure your mattress is comfortable and don't eat anything 4 hours before bed time. You may be a person who needs weight on them to sleep, add a few extra blankets to weigh down the covers and see if that helps. That is all I have to say on that matter.

Sleep well!


Dear Susan,

First of all, don't give up on God. God brings peace, but you need to talk to Him in prayer and listen for Him in meditation. And while you do that, take some melatonin or Valerian root (which is organic) to help you out for a few days. I have also heard that exercise is helpful. 

If you are still having difficulties after a few days, please contact your doctor.

Lord, be with Susan. Help her body relax for sleep. Take out any stress in her life that she may be holding on to and give her your deep peace. In Jesus name. Amen.


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